Broccoli soup will improve digestion in rain, will get rich nutrition with great taste, will be ready in minutes


Consumption of broccoli is beneficial in many problems of the body.
Broccoli soup maintains better digestion during monsoon.

Broccoli Soup Recipe: Broccoli soup can be a great option to keep yourself healthy during the rainy season. Broccoli is a vegetable rich in properties and its consumption is very beneficial for the body. Broccoli soup in particular can be very effective in stomach related problems. Broccoli soup can be drunk in the morning or at any time of the day. Let us tell you that during the rainy season many people start having problems related to digestion. In such a situation, drinking broccoli soup can provide relief from this problem.
Broccoli soup is healthy as well as tasty and it is very easy to make. If you have never made broccoli soup, then you can prepare it very easily with the help of our mentioned method. Let’s know the recipe for making Broccoli Soup.

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Ingredients for Broccoli Soup
Broccoli chopped – 1 cup
Onion (finely chopped) – 1
Garlic finely chopped – 2 cloves
Flour – 2 spoons
Butter – 2 tbsp
Mixed herbs – 1/4 tsp
Nutmeg powder – 1 pinch
Vegetable stock – 2 cups
Milk full cream – 2 cups
Black pepper powder – as per taste
salt – as per taste

Broccoli Soup Recipe
To make nutritious broccoli soup, first clean the broccoli and cut it into small pieces. After this, put them in water and wash them. After this, finely chop the onion and garlic as well. Now pour about 2 cups of water in a vessel and keep it on medium flame to heat. Add a little salt to the water as well. Now put chopped broccoli in it and cook for a minute. After this, take out the pieces of broccoli and shift them in a bowl.

Now take a pan and put butter in it and heat it. After melting the butter, add finely chopped onion and garlic and sauté it. Fry them till the color of onion-garlic turns golden brown. After this, put refined flour in the pan and slow down the flame and fry for 2 minutes. Now put boiled broccoli in the pan and mix it with everything.

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After cooking the mixture for two minutes, add vegetable stock or water as required and let it cook. Now turn off the gas and let the mixture cool down. When the mixture remains lukewarm, blend it with the help of a mixer. Shift the smooth mixture into a vessel and add hot milk to it and cook on low heat. After some time add mixed herbs to the soup and after boiling add salt as per taste. Finally mix black pepper and nutmeg powder. Tasty and healthy broccoli juice is ready to serve.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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