Brother bought luxury car for ₹ 4 crore, then wrote ‘BIHAR’ on its number plate, said – there was a little fight too – bihar origin young man in Australia buy luxury mercedes benz suv in rupees 40000000 write bihar on number plate omg

New Delhi/Patna. People of Bihar live in every corner of the country and the world and leave a different mark with their talent. Engineers, doctors, businessmen etc. of Bihar origin are easily found in large numbers abroad. Biharis have made their presence felt in countries like Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand. A large number of Biharis live in countries like Germany and Britain. Australia has also emerged as a big destination among Indians and especially the people of Bihar. People of Bihar live in considerable numbers in various cities of Australia. One such son of Bihar has done wonders. He bought a luxury SUV car for Rs 4 crore and then got ‘BIHAR’ written on its number plate. He said that now he will not give this number plate to anyone under any circumstances.

This Bihari man living in Australia got ‘BIHAR’ written on the number plate of his Mercedes Benz SUV worth crores. One of his videos is trending on Instagram. Nearly 1 lakh people have watched this video so far. In this, he is seen saying that it was his dream to get ‘BIHAR’ written on his car’s number plate. After a long struggle with the Australian Transport Authority, he finally got permission to write Bihar on his luxury car worth Rs 4 crore. He said that he is very happy with this. However, his name and where he is from in Bihar could not be ascertained from this video.

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