Buddha Amritwani Gautam Buddha Thoughts And Story Of Success Know Why People Become Good Or Bad Astro Special

Buddha Amritwani, Gautam Buddha Story: Good and bad are the tendencies of the individual. But the question is why and how does a person become good or bad? At the same time, the more important thing is that how to become a good person. Today there is only evil everywhere in the world. There is no dearth of news related to riots, fights, murders and criminal acts. The reason for this is the human becoming bad. When human tendency becomes bad then the world also gets filled with evils.

From this story of Gautam Buddha, we will know why a person becomes bad and starts doing bad things. Also, in this story, you will know how to become a good person.

Story of Gautam Buddha related to becoming a good or bad person

one in a village There lived a clever thief. The whole village knew about that thief. But despite this no one could catch him. That vicious thief spent his whole life in stealing. Not only this, there was no thief equal to him in the surrounding villages and cities.

The son of a vicious thief also became a thief

The thief had a son, whom he wanted to make into a vicious thief like himself. That’s why he always used to tell his son that, never listen to the preaching of any monk or monk. If someone says something, close your ears and run away from there. Since his childhood, his son had been listening to these things from his father, due to which these things got stuck in his mind. In such a way, growing up, the son also became a vicious thief like his father.

One day he got very greedy and started going to the king’s palace with the aim of stealing. Only then a crowd of people appeared on the way. The thief saw that people fell at the feet of a monk and took his blessings. That monk was Gautam Buddha. The thief used to stay away from the hermits because he had learned this from his father. But seeing Lord Buddha, he got attracted towards him. The reason for this is that for the first time he had darshan of a bright person. Suddenly he remembers his father’s words that sages should stay away from ascetics.

The thief remains in dilemma whether to go to the hermit or proceed to steal. Suddenly a question comes to his mind that, why did father ask to stay away from sages and saints. To know the answer, even a thief sits among the people and starts listening to the teachings of Lord Buddha.

Buddha tells people about the futility and betrayal of lying. After the sermon is over, everyone returns to their homes and the thief also leaves for the palace to steal. But all the way he keeps on thinking that, why not for once consider the things said in the sermon of that monk.

In this way, instead of jumping over the wall of the palace to steal, he enters through the gate of the palace. Seeing him, the gatekeepers of the palace stop him and ask the reason for going inside. The thief says, I am a thief and I am going to steal in the palace. The gatekeepers start laughing after hearing his words and say that he must be a servant or a servant of the palace and is joking with us. Thinking this, they let him go inside the palace.

One should not betray the person whose salt was eaten.

After going to the palace, the thief reaches near the vault containing the treasure and breaks the vault and starts running away by filling the money and jewelery in a bundle, only then his eyes fall on the kitchen of the palace. Due to the night everyone is sleeping and no one stays in the kitchen. The thief was very hungry, that’s why he went to the kitchen and ate a lot of food. After this the thief starts leaving from there. That’s why he remembers the second thing heard in Buddha’s sermon that ‘one should never betray the one whose salt has been eaten.’

The thief thinks that I have eaten the salt of this palace, so I will betray him by stealing his money. That’s why the thief starts leaving the stolen money in the kitchen. A person in the palace catches sight of the thief and is amused by the noise, due to which the people of the palace catch the thief and take him to the king. The king asks the thief that when you had stolen then why were you leaving it. The thief says, because of the preaching of a monk.

A person’s personality is formed by company and preaching

The king is impressed by the words of the thief and tells him. If you had heard such teachings since childhood, you would never have become a thief. Having said this, the king did not punish him and left him. But the king told him to remember one thing, ‘A person becomes a good person only by the right company and right preaching. He becomes a bad person because of getting wrong company and wrong teachings since childhood. Company and preaching change a person’s life.

read this also: Buddha Amritwani: Learn from Gautam Buddha how to become wise and who is really wise

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