Budget 2024 Concession in Rail Fares A Licensing System for Traders – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Budget Session- 2024
– Photo: Amar Ujala


Not only businessmen but also senior citizens are hoping for relief on the railway budget in the interim budget of the Modi government, which is on the threshold of elections. Demanding 40% discount in fare for citizens above 60 years of age in the Railway Budget. Business organizations are also in support of this. At the same time, traders have also raised the demand for one country one license system.

The government’s announcements in the budget for the financial year 2023-24 could not fully materialize. Rather, senior citizens faced a shock in rail fares. Income tax limits and complexities of GST did not reduce. In such a situation, the Finance Minister will present the interim budget in the House on Thursday. What will be there for which category in their budget? It will be interesting to see this during election time.

Elderly people get discount in train fare

State President of Western Uttar Pradesh Joint Industries Trade Board, Nidhi Aggarwal said that passengers above 60 years of age were given 40% discount while traveling by train. This exemption was withdrawn from senior citizens during the Corona period. Which should be restored in this budget.

If there is a tax then there should be a licensing system

Manoj Aggarwal, District General Secretary of Western Uttar Pradesh Joint Industry Trade Board, said that why is the one country one law, one country one tax, one businessman one license system not implemented. There should be an announcement in the budget to bring petrol diesel under the ambit of GST.

Exemption available on income up to Rs 10 lakh

Vice President of Agra Trade Board, Jai Pursnani said that income up to Rs 10 lakh should be income tax free. The upper rate should be increased to 25%. There should be only three slabs 10-15-25 and income tax payers of 65 years of age should be given pension on the basis of their tax.

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