Budh Uday 2024 mercury rise in Gemini luck of these zodiac signs will shine

Buddha Uday: Mercury, the prince of planets, is the factor of intelligence and speech. Mercury will rise in Gemini on 27 June at 04:22 am. With the rise of Mercury, the bad luck of some zodiac signs will shine. Let’s know about these zodiac signs.

Taurus Horoscope

For Taurus natives, Mercury is the lord of the second and fifth house. It is going to rise in your second house. This will bring positive results in your life. You will spend good time with your family. You will be able to find a solution to every problem.

With the blessings of Mercury, your sweet speech will be useful to you. You will make everyone your own. Your differences in the family that have been going on for a long time will now be resolved. The rise of Mercury will be auspicious for students. You will perform well in education. Your financial condition will be strong.

Leo Horoscope

Mercury is going to rise in your eleventh house. With Mercury rising in Gemini, your relationship with people in the family will be strengthened. You will spend good time with your siblings. You will be successful in achieving your life goals. You will get the support of your loved ones.

Leos will maintain cordial relations with their superiors in the workplace. You may get a good position in your job. The social life of Leos will expand. People of this zodiac who are in business will make huge profits. You will get success in your career.


The rising of Mercury will be auspicious for Capricorns. Long distance travel will prove to be fruitful for you. You will get the support of luck at every step. You will get progress in job. You will also get new job opportunities. Some people are likely to get a chance to go abroad. You will get profit in business.

The financial condition of people of this zodiac sign will be good. Mercury is going to rise in your own zodiac sign. This position of Mercury will be favorable for your love life. There will be good coordination between both of you. The rise of Mercury in Pisces will be good for your health. Some people can start a new business. You will be able to save money.

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