But and but, is there any difference between the two, or do they both have the same meaning, what do you think?

The proof of language being alive is that changes take place in it. These changes are more related to the addition of new words. But with time, some old things also change in the language. At times, some words fall out of use and many words take completely new forms. All these are also signs of continued activity and development of the language. Still, there are many words in which there is a slight difference, but with time it seems that this difference has also disappeared. Such words include “but” and “but”. Let us know about these words.

You will find many types of opinions about but and but. Some people will say that both are used in the same sense nowadays. These words appear to convey a meaning in different sentences. Many people say that these are synonyms, that is, they can be used interchangeably.

Many times two synonyms in Hindi also sound different. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

These words are also seen linked with but and it is also said that but, but and but can be used interchangeably. In many sentences you can also look at the interchange of but, but and however and you will find that there is no difference between them. Apart from this, other words like but, although, rather, are said to be similar to these two.

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But when we investigated further, we found an interesting argument to explain the difference. According to this there is a difference between but and but. But where it shows the reason, then but is used for the answer. We also found the same explanation that ‘but’ represents a condition, but in ‘but’ there is also a dependency along with the condition. Such interpretations could not be confirmed, but one thing that we find in most of the sources is that in colloquial language the meaning of both can be considered the same.

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