by astral travel in dreams you can go wherever you want know what it is

Astral Travel: Nowadays one word is being heard a lot among the people. Its name is astral travel. It is said that this is the process regarding astral travel. When your soul comes out of your body and you can roam wherever you want as per your wish. That means, in a way, you will remain lying on your bed but can roam around the city. That means you might be feeling as if you are dreaming. But whatever you are doing. Your soul is doing that in reality and during that time you remain fully conscious. Is this really possible? How does astral travel happen? Let us know the whole story in this article.

What is astral travel?

Astral travel which is also called astral travel in Hindi. This is an out of body experience. Like when we sleep at night. So we have dreams because during that time our mind is awake. Those who have experienced astral travel say that the mind remains awake even during astral travel. If your mind is not awakened then you will not be able to do astral travel. During this time you fully realize that your soul comes out of your body. And then you can take it wherever you want.

There is no scientific proof

Generally, whatever the human brain does, there is scientific evidence available as to why something happens. But no scientific evidence has been found regarding astral travel. However if you search this on YouTube or Google. So you will find hundreds of examples and videos where astral travel has been explained and people have shared their experiences.

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