Calendar Fact Old Calendar Roman Calendar Fact How Was January And February Months Made

Old Calendar Fact: Days pass, months pass and then don’t know how many years have passed by doing like this, but do you know that the December which we consider today as the twelfth month was once the tenth? Not only this, have you ever wondered how these months would have been named? On what basis would these months have been named? There is a special reason behind the name of each month. Let’s know the interesting history of the calendar…

Today in the calendar in which the year starts from January, in the olden times the year used to start from March. Then March used to be the first month of the year. In today’s report, we are going to tell you how these months were named, which will be really interesting for you to know, so read this interesting information –

First of all, let us know how these months got their names –

march: In ancient times, the Romans used to rest for two months in winter after fighting a year-long war and the war would start again in March. The month was named March after the Roman god of war, Mars.

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april: April was named after the Latin word for ‘second’, but it is also said that the month of April is derived from the word ‘aperere’. It means blossom in Hindi, because buds bloom in this season. That’s why its name is April.

May: This month was named after the Roman goddess ‘Mea’. Maya is called the goddess who grows plants and crops.

june: The Romans consider the month of June to be the most auspicious for marriage. That’s why this month was named June after the goddess of marriages ‘Juno’.

july: July was earlier called ‘quintilis’ (fifth), but in 44 BC it was named after Julius Caesar.

august: This month was named ‘August’ after the name of King Augustus Caesar in 8 BC. Earlier it was called ‘Sextilia’ (sixth).

September: The name of this month was derived from the Latin word ‘septum’, which means seventh.

october: The month was named October from the Latin word ‘Octa’. Octo means eight.

november: Nov made Nov. Nov means ninth. It was the ninth month in the Roman calendar.

december: December, the last and tenth month of the calendar, is named after the Latin language Deca, which means ten. Thus December used to be the last and tenth month of the year.

Let us now know how these months became 10 to 12?

690 BC Pompilius named the month ‘February’ after this festival to recognize the festival ‘Februa’ celebrated between the end of winter and the beginning of March. This is how the month of February became.

It is very interesting that the first month of the year was added last in the calendar. Janus is considered the god of endings and beginnings. That’s why this month was named January on the basis of the end of the year and the beginning of the new year.

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