Can a live foetus be born during an abortion? Know the truth behind this

Abortion Complications : Becoming parents is the most special moment for every couple. They make a lot of preparations for this. However, sometimes due to some conditions, doctors recommend abortion. According to the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, doctors can do this only when they feel that the life of both the mother and the child is in danger. In such a situation, abortion is done to save the life of the woman. But abortion also has many risks. If caution is not taken, the problem can also increase. Sometimes a live fetus can be born during abortion. Know when this is possible…

Can a live foetus be born during abortion

Last year, similar cases were reported in Mumbai, when in 3 cases of Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) within two-three months, women gave birth to live fetuses. In one case, the fetus was born alive in an abortion after 27 weeks of pregnancy. According to doctors, the possibility of a live fetus being born during abortion is very low, but it is not impossible either. This usually happens when the fetus is not completely removed during the abortion process or there is a complication during abortion.

What are the chances of the fetus surviving?

The chances of the fetus surviving during abortion depend on the stage of pregnancy. If the abortion is done in the first trimester, the chances of the fetus surviving are very low. However, if the abortion is done in the second or third trimester, the chances of the fetus surviving increase.

What is the right way to do abortion

According to health experts, the methods of abortion have also been mentioned in the GR. According to this, when it is the third phase of pregnancy and abortion has to be done, the gynecologist should give an injection of two to three milliliters (15%) of potassium chloride into the heart of the fetus.

After this, after checking through sonography whether the heartbeat has stopped or not, abortion should be done. If this process is followed then there is no risk of the fetus being born alive.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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