Can a Pakistani girl marry in India, how will she get Indian citizenship?

All countries around the world have their own rules for getting citizenship. Many countries like America, Britain have very strict rules for getting citizenship. But do you know how any citizen gets citizenship in India’s neighboring country Pakistan and what are the rules for it. Today we will tell you the rules related to Pakistan’s citizenship.


Pakistan was born in 1947 with India getting independence from the British. Today Pakistan is an Islamic country. Where all the rules are related to Islam, but do you know how a citizen gets citizenship in Pakistan? Can a Hindu apply for Pakistani citizenship? Today we will tell you the rules related to Pakistani citizenship.

Indian citizenship on coming from Pakistan

Today, at the time of social media, people from all over the world are connected to each other. Not only this, due to social media, people are connecting with each other and making friends, falling in love and even getting married. But now the question is, if a Pakistani girl marries an Indian boy, can she get Indian citizenship? It is worth noting that a few months ago, Pakistani woman Seema Haider also married an Indian boy.

Rules for marrying a Pakistani girl

There are some rules for marrying a Pakistani girl. Under the Hindu Marriage Act and Special Marriage Act 1954, a Hindu and Muslim person can marry the person of their choice. On the basis of personal consent, any adult person can marry under this Act. Not only this, Indians can also marry foreigners under this Act. But it is mandatory to give a public notice of 30 days before marriage.

According to the information, under these rules, any Indian person can marry a woman or man from another country. But after marriage, any couple has to register their marriage according to their religion under the personal law of their religion. If someone is a foreign citizen, then he has to bring a no objection certificate from the embassy of his country. In case of a foreigner being married, he also has to present the divorce of his previous marriage. In such cases, it is mandatory to follow the relevant Indian legal rules. Only after this, that person can get Indian citizenship.

Also read: In the country where PM Modi went now, the population of Muslims decreased and the population of Hindus increased in the last 40 years


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