Can a person return from old age to youth and then even to childhood Know what is reverse aging

We all go through the aging process. Over time our skin becomes loose, hair turns gray and our physical abilities decline, but did you know that scientists are now working on reversing the aging process? Yes, you read it right! Reverse aging is a scientific method in which researchers are searching for ways to slow down or reverse the aging process.

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What is reverse aging?

Reverse aging means returning to youth by reversing the aging process. In simple words, according to this concept, the human body can come back to youthful state from old age. Earlier this thought seemed strange, but now scientists are working seriously on it and are doing new research about it.

With today’s science and technology, some measures are being taken to slow down or reverse the symptoms of aging. Genetic engineering, stem cell therapy, cell repair technology, and new medicines are being used in this.

Why does age increase?

The aging process occurs due to changes in our DNA. Over time, our DNA gets damaged due to which our cells are unable to function properly. Other than this, Free radicals are also formed in our body which damage the cells.

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reverse aging Of methods

Scientists are working on various methods to reverse aging, In which we will learn about some methods,

stem Cell therapy, Stem cells are those cells called, Which has the ability to transform into any type of cell. Old and weak body parts can be repaired through this therapy., Due to which the body feels fresh again.

genetic Engineering, Researchers have found that certain genes are, By bringing them back we can make the cells of the body young again. If these genes are activated correctly, So body organs and cells can be repaired,

telomerase And telomeres, There is a structure inside the cells of our body called telomerase., As,as we grow up, The length of telomeres decreases and this slows down cell division., But if it is lengthened again, So cells can return to youthful state again,

Antioxidant, Antioxidants help fight free radicals. Scientists believe that the aging process can be slowed down by using antioxidants,

calories Restrictions, Many researches have revealed that calorie restriction can slow down the aging process.,

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