Can black pepper be cultivated in Delhi Haryana Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan understand the complete plan

Black Pepper Cultivation: Have you heard the name of Black Gold? You might not have heard, you might be thinking that you have seen gold shining. What is this black gold? So let us tell you that black gold is not actually gold. Rather black pepper is called black gold. There was a time when spices from India were exported all over the world.

Since then black pepper is known as black gold. In India, black pepper is cultivated mostly in the southern states. But many times people ask whether black pepper can be cultivated in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan also. So let us know the answer.

Farming can be done in these states also

Cultivation of any fruit, vegetable or other things depends more on temperature, climate and soil. But now with the help of new technology anything can be cultivated anywhere. Like strawberry grown in Himachal and Uttarakhand is grown in Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh. Cultivation of black pepper is generally more in the southern states. But it can be cultivated in states like Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

To cultivate black pepper, the temperature should be up to 32 degrees Celsius. At the same time, 125 to 200 cm of rainfall is also required for its cultivation. Black pepper is cultivated well in red laterite soil. The pH value of soil remains between 5.5 to 6.5. If all this exists in these states. So black pepper can be easily cultivated in these states.

Benefits of black pepper

Black pepper not only enhances the taste of food. Rather, many nutritious elements are present inside it. Black pepper contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C and beta carotene. By consuming them, problems like gas and constipation remain away. At the same time, it also keeps deadly diseases like cancer away. Consumption of black pepper is considered beneficial for arthritis.

Also read: Earn big money from this new variety of papaya, more than 100 kg fruits will grow on one tree.

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