Can cloudburst occur in Delhi know science what is cloudburst weather update facts

in the country’s capital, Delhi 28th July the rain that fell on 88 broke the record of the year, You can guess how much it rained from the fact that there was waterlogging at many places, At some places, people lost their lives due to drowning in water.. After this, there was heavy rain in Delhi on 31st July also. Now it is believed that clouds had burst in Delhi, Due to which such a situation arose, Let us know what the Meteorological Department says about this and whether a cloud burst can occur in Delhi, Know the science behind it,

What is a cloud burst,

According to meteorology, if suddenly at one place 20-30 within a square kilometer 1 in the hour 100 Millimeter (100MM) Rain (Rain) If it happens then it is called cloud burst, In scientific language it is called cloudburst (Cloudburst) or flash flood (Flash Flood) also known as, This is just like if a water balloon is burst somewhere then all the water spills at that place., In fact, when the rain becomes extreme, then that situation is called cloud burst as a proverb.,

Cloud burst in Delhi,

The Meteorological Department has clarified regarding the rain in Delhi that this incident was not the result of cloudburst, Speaking to India Today Group, IMD chief Mrityunjay Mohapatra said that the Safdarjung Observatory, the city’s primary weather station, had 28 in june morning 5 O ‘clock 6 between o’clock 91 mm of rain recorded, Just like this, Morning at Lodhi Road Weather Station 5 O ‘clock 6 Till … o’clock 64 Mimi and the morning 6 O ‘clock 7 Till … o’clock 89 mm of rain was recorded, According to Mohapatra, this situation cannot be called a cloud burst, But this cloud was very close to bursting,

Why was it said that the clouds burst,

After this, again in Delhi on Wednesday in about an hour 100 More than millimetres of rain was recorded, Even after this, waterlogging was seen in many areas. During this The Meteorological Department has issued a red alert, India Meteorological Department (IMD) told that in Pragati Maidan area 112.5mm Rainfall was recorded, This much rain in one hour is considered a cloud burst, This is the reason why the heavy rain in Delhi was considered a cloud burst, However, if we look at the past records, till now no incident of cloudburst has happened in Delhi,

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