Can drinking Beer actually increase your weight read full article in Hindi

International Beer Day: There is severe heat in many parts of the country. Even after heavy rains, people get drenched in sweat as soon as they step out. In summer, people prefer to drink beer instead of alcohol. So that they get relief from the heat. On the other hand, some people believe that drinking chilled beer leads to fat accumulation on the stomach. Let’s know how much truth is there behind this.

Beer belly is dangerous for health

Dr. Daniel Allen, a physician at Cleveland Clinic, says that fat accumulation around the stomach is very dangerous. Beer bellies are very dangerous. Many times, people associate the fat accumulation on the stomach with beer. But till now no concrete evidence has been found that it really happens that drinking beer causes fat to accumulate on the stomach. But till now no proof has been found that fat starts accumulating on the stomach due to alcohol and beer. Drink beer only with Hijbass. A can of beer contains 150 calories. When you drink alcohol, it increases hunger. So do not drink it excessively.

Drinking beer and alcohol increases weight

When you drink alcohol, the process of burning fat gets affected. Your liver plays an important role in metabolizing protein, carbohydrates and fat. But the liver starts metabolizing alcohol into fat. Due to this, fat starts accumulating in the stomach. In both these situations, beer and alcohol can prove to be very harmful.

What causes a beer belly

According to the news published in Network 18, calories are responsible for beer belly or stomach fat. This calorie can be in any form. Drinking alcohol or beer causes the body to accumulate calories. Any sweet things, overeating, eating in the wrong way, junk and processed food, all these increase calories in the body. This simply means that if you eat more calories than required, it will be harmful for the body. It will turn into fat on your stomach.

How to get rid of a beer belly

If you want to get rid of belly fat, you will have to control your lifestyle. For this, first of all you will have to exercise. Exercise a lot. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Try not to drink alcohol and beer at all.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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