Can you actually get diabetes from eating too much sugar? Know the facts

The number of diabetes patients in the country is increasing day by day. The biggest reason for diabetes is related to poor eating habits and lifestyle. But diabetes is often associated with eating sugar and sweets. Today we will talk in detail about the facts related to this.

The number of diabetes patients is increasing day by day

The number of diabetes patients in India is quite shocking. According to the statistics, the number of diabetes patients in the whole of India is more than 10 crores. It is not that elderly people are suffering from this disease, rather nowadays this disease is more prevalent in younger people.

Due to bad eating habits and lifestyle, the number of patients suffering from this disease is increasing day by day. Especially among the people living in cities, the number of patients is increasing rapidly day by day. At the same time, some people believe that diabetes is caused by eating too much sweets?

Diabetes is caused not by eating sweets but because of this

Dr. Jugal Kishore, Professor and HOD of Community Medicine Department at Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi, told TV9 Bharatvarsh in an interview that there is no direct connection between diabetes and eating sweets. Till date, no such research has come out that has clearly shown that there is a direct connection between diabetes and eating sweets. The reason for diabetes is not eating sweets but the lack of insulin in the body.

Actually, when insulin is not produced properly in the pancreas of a person’s body, the glucose level in the blood starts increasing. Due to the increase in glucose level, the blood sugar level in the body starts increasing. If the sugar level in the blood is high for several months continuously, then later it causes diabetes.

These children are at risk of type-1 diabetes

If a person eats sweets but his lifestyle and diet are good then he has less risk of diabetes. Diabetes is also caused due to genetic reasons. If a child’s father has diabetes then there are chances that his child will also have it. Which is called type-1 diabetes. It does not have a direct connection with food but is a genetic cause.

Is it not right for a diabetic patient to give up sugar completely?

According to dieticians, diabetes patients should eat sweets wisely. They should eat keto desserts. Keto desserts are sweet to eat and contain good fat content. The sugar in it dissolves slowly in the body. Which is good for diabetes patients.

Eat in moderation and exercise

Diabetic patients want to eat sweets comfortably during festivals. If you eat anything sweet, do exercise. Also keep taking medicines.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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