Can you have a boy or a girl as per your choice in IVF? Know the truth

Treatment with IVF : Couples who are unable to become parents naturally are taking the help of IVF. The full form of IVF is in vitro fertilization which has given many people the happiness of becoming parents. However, many such questions related to this also remain in people’s mind. People come to IVF clinics and make many such demands, doctors are asked how their child can be different and beautiful… One of these is whether in IVF one can have a boy or a girl as per one’s wish. Let’s know the truth…

What is the process of IVF

During IVF, the process of making an embryo is started by taking the male’s sperm and the female’s egg. In this, the female’s eggs and the male’s sperm are kept together in the lab and fertilized. After this, the embryo is transferred into the woman’s womb.

how to know if it’s a boy or a girl

According to experts, if the woman’s X chromosome is mixed with the man’s Y chromosome, it can be determined whether a woman is carrying a boy or a girl. But this level of test is not done anywhere in India. Apart from this, when the embryo is ready, the sex of the child can be determined by examining it at that time also.

For whom is IVF technique used?

IVF technology is for those women who cannot conceive normally. In IVF treatment, the embryo is created by fertilizing the woman’s egg and the man’s sperm in the lab.In simple terms, if the women are unable to get pregnant due to some health-related issues or problems or age, then their eggs are mixed with the male’s sperm and this combination results in the formation of an embryo and it is placed in the woman’s uterus.

Can I have the child of my choice through IVF?

According to doctors, everything is possible in science but legally, finding out the sex of a child before birth or deciding the sex means giving birth to a child after deciding whether it will be a boy or a girl is a legal offense. Every person involved in this can be jailed. Differentiating between a son and a daughter is legally and socially wrong. Whatever be the sex of the child, it has full right to come into this world.

What to do after IVF

1. Avoid lifting heavy things after IVF. This can lead to a risk of miscarriage.

2. Do not do strenuous workouts after the IVF process.

3. Smoking should be avoided after this treatment.

4. Drinking alcohol should also be avoided after IVF. Caffeine and other medicines should also not be taken.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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