Can you make money by selling garbage? This man earned 55 lakhs in a year

Every morning in India people line up in front of the garbage vehicle and throw their garbage in it. But if I say that some people are becoming millionaires from this garbage, will you believe me? Let me tell you today how a person became a millionaire in a year just by selling garbage.

How to earn 55 lakhs in a year

Garbage may be a useless thing for you, but for 30-year-old Leonardo Urbano, a resident of Sydney, Australia, it is no less than a treasure. Urbano earned 55 lakh rupees in a year with the help of this garbage. Actually, Leonardo Urbano has made it his job in a way. Every morning after having breakfast, he goes out in the city to find garbage of use to him. Wherever he sees a pile of garbage in different parts of the city, he sorts out the things that are worth selling from there and sells them in the market. By doing this, Leonardo Urbano earned 55 lakh rupees in a year.

He calls his work dumpster diving

While talking to CNBC, Leonardo says that the work I do is called dumpster diving. Leonardo has been doing this work for the last four years. He says that every day he brings useful things from the garbage heap and after cleaning and repairing them, he sells them in the market. Sometimes he also finds very valuable things from the garbage heap. Leonardo Urbano says that once he found a coffee machine from the garbage heap. And once he also found gold jewelry and cash.

People in India also do this work

It is not that only Leonardo does this work. In India also many people are making millions by selling garbage. However, these people work like an organization. That is, there are many layers in it. For example, one group collects garbage from homes, shops, roads. The other group buys this heap of garbage and divides it into different parts i.e. separates metals like plastic, iron, copper and sells it to a big scrap dealer. The big scrap dealer processes all this garbage and makes raw material from it and supplies it to other companies. In this way, people from top to bottom make money from your garbage.

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