Can’t cook at all? Try this best recipe of semolina toast from the video, people will think you are a perfect cook


Even those who do not know cooking can try the recipe of semolina toast.
Semolina toasts are easily prepared in a few minutes.

Sooji Toast Video Recipe: Many teens do not know cooking at all, but many times the situation becomes such when it becomes necessary to cook and feed something. In such a situation, if suddenly a guest comes to your house at night and it is not possible to order anything from outside. So you can follow this easy recipe of Sooji toast.

Actually, sometimes some guests suddenly come to the house at night. In such a situation, it is not possible to order anything from outside late at night. At the same time, due to lack of cooking, nothing special can be made. This recipe of semolina toast will not let your guests go to bed hungry. Know about this recipe of semolina toast which has been shared by Instagram user (@that_chic_foodie) on his account.

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Ingredients to make Semolina Toast
To make semolina toast, take 8-10 slices of bread, one cup of semolina, half a cup of curd, one medium size onion finely chopped, one medium size capsicum finely chopped, one medium size seedless tomato finely chopped, chili flakes half teaspoon and salt as per taste. Let us now know about the method of making Semolina Toast.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, instagram videos, Lifestyle

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