car safety tips drive carefully in monsoon keep these things in mind to avoid danger

Car Safety Tips In Monsoon: It has been raining continuously in Delhi-NCR for the last few days. Due to which many areas of Delhi-NCR are flooded with water. It has become very difficult for people to walk on the roads. And going out with a car in such weather has become an even more challenging task. In this weather, your slightest mistake can cost you heavily.

Yesterday, on 13th September, late night, a heart wrenching accident came to light from Faridabad. Where two people died due to being stuck in a car. If you also make this mistake during the rainy season, then your life can also be in danger. That is why you should take special care of some things while driving during the rainy season.

What to do if the road is flooded?

During the monsoon season, there are many roads in the city that are flooded with water. First of all, you should try to avoid these roads. If you have accidentally come on these roads, then you should slow down the vehicle completely and while moving the vehicle forward, you should see how much the front wheel of the vehicle is sinking in the water. If the vehicle is stuck in the water, then put it in first gear and try to take it out by slowing down the speed. During this time, do not try to increase the speed of the vehicle too much.

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If the car drowns, follow these methods

If your car is submerged in rain water, then you need to be very careful. If water starts filling up slowly in your car, then it is better that you try to get out of it immediately. Because if the water reaches the door of the car, then the car may stop working due to a short circuit. Or the car may stop working due to excess water.

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The car can also get locked due to water filling in it. If the glass of your car is not opening, then try to break it with a hammer or any other thing and get out immediately. If there is no hammer or any other thing in your car, then remove the headrest of the car and break the glass from its lower part and get out. The sooner you get out of the car, the lesser will be the danger.

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