Career Options After 12 Other Than Medical And Engineering See List Of Offbeat Career Options

Offbeat Career Options After 12thStudents are often confused about which career to choose after 12th. Some want to go into medical and engineering, while some want to do something out of the traditional. Which is the right career for you depends on many things but the most important point is interest. Try your hand only in the field in which you are interested. A career can be chosen because of someone’s attention or under some pressure, but after some time it starts getting bored. It is very important to choose the right path so that the innings can be played long.

Try your hand in these fields

Archaeology, Curation, Monuments & Sculpture Restoration, Museology, Special Educator, Direction, Design, Communication Design, Human Resource Management, Insurance, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Corporate Intelligence & Information Communications & Entertainment, Educational/Vocational Counselling, Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Psychology, Speech-Language and Hearing, Advertising, Art Direction, Public Relations are some of the areas where you can try your hand.

One wrong decision can be costly

Apart from the options mentioned above, there are many career options from which you can choose. Just before selecting any field, do a proper research about it. How will be the entry in it, what are the chances of further growth, what to study, what kind of work to be done, which company gives job etc. The most important thing is that you have interest in this subject. Sometimes a wrong decision can either spoil the whole career or sometimes it can spoil four or five years of the career.

degree is not everything

Always keep in mind that only degree is not enough to get success in any field. You should have skills which ultimately lead to success. That’s why don’t worry if your marks are less, because once you move ahead in life, no one asks what were your marks in 10th or 12th. That’s why whatever you do, do it with your heart and do it for the whole day. Never take any decision under the pressure of parents, teachers, peers.

Read also: 44 courses from India included in the top 100 courses in the world

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