Cars are banned in this city of the world know how life goes on without vehicles

There are many cities in the world which are known for their unique characteristics., But the city of Kazan in Russia has a unique identity in its own way. In fact, while cars have become an essential means of transportation everywhere in the world, cars are banned in this city., People here are also addicted to it and they are happy even after the ban on cars.,

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where is kazan,

kazan, Located east of Masan, the capital of Russia, is the capital of Tatarstan, This city has its special cultural heritage, Known for diversity and modern lifestyle, With historical buildings in Kazan,along with modern structures, which makes it a vibrant city,

Recently Kazan launched an initiative to reduce the number of cars on the city’s roads., Which aims to reduce pollution and improve the quality of life of people, Also, the main reason for the ban on cars in Kazan is climate change and pollution., The government here realized that the increasing traffic problem and air pollution was having a negative impact on the health of the city’s residents., As a result, Kazan has decided to ban cars and the alternative is to promote mass transit and cycling.,

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how people spend their lives,

A new form of life without cars has emerged in Kazan, There are more people walking on the streets here, Cycling and use of public transport has increased, Also tram here, Bus and metro services have also become more easy and effective, So that people can go everywhere without any problem,

The people of the city have also welcomed this change., Now people here are more active in their everyday life, With benefits for health,with, This lifestyle is also helping to improve the quality of life in the city, Paris looking at Kazan, Copenhagen and Berlin have also taken steps to reduce the number of cars in their cities.

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