Cat can increase the risk of schizophrenia, be careful if you keep it at home

schizophrenia: Keeping pets at home is a hobby of many people. Some people keep dogs, some like cats, while some keep rabbits or other pets. Research has found that if you walk or play with pets, blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels remain under control. Living with pets also prevents depression and loneliness. However, a recent research conducted in Australia found that if you keep a cat, it can lead to a mental illness called Schizophrenia. Know how dangerous this disease is…

Is cat keeping dangerous

A study conducted at Queensland University found that cats can cause mental disorders. There is a deep connection between the two. People who come in contact with cats have twice the risk of developing schizophrenia. Studies show that cats carry Toxoplasma gondii parasite, which can be transmitted to humans. Due to this, infection can occur. It can reach the body of cats through food or water and the parasite present in the poop of cats can reach humans.

what is schizophrenia

This is a serious mental disorder. The reason for this is hallucination, disorganized thinking, excessive imagination, strange behavior. This mental disorder is related to stress or is genetic. In some cases this disease can also be spread by pets. Only one percent of people are affected by schizophrenia. It can affect brain function. Due to this, problems like Alzheimer’s can occur.

If there is a cat in the house then take precautions like this

1. You should always wash your hands thoroughly after touching or playing with cats or pets.

2. Wash hands even after feeding pets or removing their leftover food.

3. Clean your hands before cleaning or touching the pet’s house i.e. cage, tank, toys, food and water utensils.

4. Clean the pets after cleaning or bathing them. If you touch their poop or anus, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

5. Avoid feeding raw or undercooked meat to cats. Clean their litter box daily.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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