Caution! Never cook this food in an iron pan, this problem may occur, know the reason

Avoid Cooking These Food Items In Iron Pan: There is a tradition of keeping a black iron kadhai in every Indian kitchen. The food cooked in this utensil not only tastes good but it also fulfills the iron deficiency in our body. Iron pans or kadhai are considered the best for cooking as compared to Teflon and other coated pans. But there are some foods that you should never cook in an iron kadhai or pan.

It is not considered right to cook sour substances in an iron pan, because they react with iron and the taste of the food can get spoiled. Foods which have high acid content should always be cooked in another vessel. Although it is not dangerous, it tastes metallic.

What foods cannot be cooked?
Tomatoes contain high amounts of acid. If tomatoes are cooked in an iron vessel, it reacts with iron and due to this the food starts tasting like metal. Do not cook or heat curd or any other dairy product in an iron vessel. Curd contains high amounts of calcium which can react with iron and cooking can spoil its taste. Citrus fruits like lemon should also never be put in an iron pan. Lemon also contains citric acid which reacts with iron due to which the food starts tasting like iron and its color also fades.

Best for which food?
Iron kadhai is considered to be the best way to cook fish and some sea creatures. Some fish have a sticky and flaky texture, which makes them stick to the pan when cooked. Therefore, cooking on low flame in an iron kadhai is considered the best option.

What not to do while cooking in an iron pan
Never scrub the pan with a hard scrubber or a very soft sponge. Clean the pan thoroughly with a mild liquid wash. To prevent rusting of iron utensils, wipe them after washing and apply a small layer of oil and keep them in a clean dry place. Never keep your cooked food in iron utensils for hours as it may give a metallic taste or smell.

Tags: Food, Health, Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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