Chana saag boosts immunity improve digestion system and eye sight gram benefits swad ka safarnama


The history of Chana Saag is believed to be more than 7000 years old.
Gram helps in improving digestion by removing constipation.
Eating gram greens also helps in improving eyesight.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Some vegetables or fruits are such that they are used for food, as well as their flowers, leaves or other things are also used for food or other purposes. Gram greens are also included in these. When it is born, its raw leaves are useful for eating, spices etc. are added to it and good greens are made. Later, when the leaves grow, gram is produced in them. That too is useful for food. The specialty of gram greens is that it strengthens the immunity of the body and keeps the digestive system of the stomach smooth. The history of gram greens is thousands of years old.

Green gram and boot are associated with Holika Dahan

Since the number of vegetarian people in India is high, nature has made vegetarian food available to them in abundance. Vegetables and fruits are included in these, along with greens and vegetables are also present. Many types of greens are available out of these. These include amaranth, mustard, spinach, greens of gram are also included. The special thing is that most of the greens are winter food, but modern technology has now made some available throughout the year, among them spinach is well known.

The specialty of gram greens is that it has a slight sourness in taste, which is not present in the taste of any other greens. It can be eaten only when there is no gram (boot) in it. When gram starts growing in the greens, then this greens is not fit to be eaten. The specialty of this greens is that on the festival of Holi, it is considered auspicious to roast the shoes attached to gram greens along with wheat earrings in Holika Dahan.

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Originated in the Middle East and spread around the world

The history of gram greens is thousands of years old. Food historians believe that the history of this vegetable is more than 7000 years old and its place of origin is the Middle East. Indian American botanist Prof. Sushma Naithani has also considered this area as the center of origin of gram greens in her research. From there it reached South Eastern Europe and after that gradually it spread all over the world. Pro. Nathani has also considered the Central Asiatic Center as the center of origin of greens and gram, which includes India, Afghanistan etc. But it is confirmed that it was being cultivated in this area for thousands of years. But its evidence is later than the Middle East.

The history of gram greens in India is considered to be 2000 BC. In the Ayurvedic texts ‘Charaksamhita’ and ‘Sushrutsamhita’ written 700-800 BC, gram has been called ‘chanak’. The description of gram has also come in Kautilya Arthashastra (about 300 BC). Gram greens have also been described in Nighantu texts related to Ayurveda.

Helpful in curing Gout diseases

Since gram is considered to be very beneficial and vital for the body in terms of properties, it is clear that its greens would also have the same characteristics. The specialty of this greens is that it increases immunity in the body and keeps the digestive system of the stomach smooth. According to well-known Ayurveda expert Acharya Balkishan, who has done extensive research on Indian herbs, fruits and vegetables, gram greens are astringent, acidic, palatable, cough-reducing, choleretic, helpful in reducing inflammation of teeth, cough-anti-inflammatory. Yes, but it is digested late.

Chana is rich in fiber which gives relief from constipation. image-canva

According to Yogacharya and dietitian and Yogacharya Rama Gupta, gram greens are winter food and during this time there can be problems like cold and cough again and again. These diseases cause problems due to weak immunity. In such a situation, gram greens are beneficial. The antioxidants and nutrients present in these increase immunity, which increases the body’s ability to fight against diseases. This greens is rich in fiber, which is considered effective in relieving the problem of constipation.

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Excessive intake will cause stomach cramps

Rama Gupta says that this greens is a good source of protein, which is beneficial in removing the problem of constipation. Including gram greens in the food improves blood circulation. Gram greens are considered beneficial for diabetes patients because the dietary fiber and protein present in it help in increasing digestion power and boosting metabolism. This greens also keeps the eyesight right. In general, gram greens do not have any side effects. It can cause stomach cramps if consumed in excess.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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