Chanakya Niti on money increase Saving tips how to become rich Akshaya Tritiya

Chanakya Niti: Akshaya Tritiya is a festival associated with Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Purchasing auspicious things today brings blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. Blessings come. There is no shortage of money. Along with all the scriptures and Puranas, the special importance of money has also been mentioned in Chanakya Niti.

Chanakya has described in detail in Niti Granth his valuable words regarding acquiring wealth and becoming rich, those who follow them never become poor.

Chanakya Niti on Money

To protect wealth, it is important to spend your earnings. Expenditure means expenditure on charitable activities because wealth does not decrease through charity but increases it double. Apart from this, it is also important to invest so that in future one never has to lend a helping hand to anyone.

Just as using money in religious activities brings unending happiness, similarly money is saved and invested in the form of investment for difficult times so that there is no shortage of money in life.

Such money will give you lifelong happiness.

If money is earned in a right and ethical manner, it stays with the person for a long time. Chanakya says that even if the earning is less, if you work hard then not only yourself but also the family gets the fruits of it. In today’s times, happiness and peace are very important.

This is just like the life of a lie does not last long, it comes to light soon, in the same way, those who earn money through unethical activities are soon exposed, who not only themselves but also their families. Therefore earn money with hard work and honesty.

Win with values, lose with ego

Mother Lakshmi is considered very fickle. According to Chanakya, those who are proud of their wealth very soon come to the verge of poverty. It is said that everything can be won by values ​​but even what is won can be lost by ego. Only respect for wealth brings blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.

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