Chat GPT Jobs That Can Be Replaced And That Are Safe From AI List Shared By OpenAI

Impact of AI on Jobs: After Chat GPT appeared in the market, the question started coming in everyone’s mind that due to this many jobs can be lost. Especially for content writers and authors, it was being said firmly that their jobs could be in danger. Meanwhile, Open AI, the parent company of Chat GPT, has shared a report in which the company itself has told that whose jobs may be in danger due to Artificial Intelligence in the coming times. Open Research and University of Pennsylvania have published a report in which it has been told that due to AI, which people can lose their jobs and whose jobs are safe.

job of these people in danger

Tax preparers
Financial Quantitative Analysts
Writers and Authors
Web and Digital Interface Designers
court reporters
Simultaneous Captioners
copy markers
news analysts
administrative assistants

The job of these people is safe

Agricultural Equipment Operators
Athletes and Sports Competitors
auto mechanics
Cement Masons
Cafeteria Attendants
Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers
Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers
Slaughterers and Meat Packers

CEO of OpenAi said this

On the other hand, in an interview, Open AI CEO Sam Altman himself said that he is worried that many people may lose their jobs in the future due to AI. Although he said that it will take some time, but if this shift happens fast, then there can be trouble. Apart from this, Sam Altman also said that the way people have adopted new technology in the recent past is amazing in itself. Human creativity is limitless. We all should look at Chat GPT as a tool and not as a replacement.

News Reels

Let me tell you, some time back Open AI has made Chat GPT 4 live. This is an updated version in which people can also query through photos. Simply put, this chat is more advanced and perfect than GPT 3.5.

Read also: Parents cannot post photos of their children, here comes the new rule! This will be the punishment for doing arbitrary

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