child care tips after how many months should newborn be given water

Newborn Baby Care Tips: Taking care of a new born baby is not an easy task. Special care has to be taken from their sleeping and waking to breastfeeding. It is advisable to feed the new born baby with mother’s milk every two hours. Caution also has to be taken regarding their feeding (Newborn Baby Food Tips). Many people start giving water to the child soon after birth, which can be dangerous. In such a situation, today we will know from the doctor that after how many days of birth can we give water to the newborn.

For how long should you give breast milk to a newborn?
According to the doctor, only breast milk should be given to the child for 6 months after birth. Women who are not producing breast milk can be given infant formula on the advice of the doctor. Their hunger should be fulfilled so that their health remains better.

When should a newborn be given water?
According to health experts, water should not be given to a child from birth till 6 months. Both breast milk and formula contain sufficient amount of water for them.
Giving water to the baby after breast feeding can harm the digestion system, which may cause problems for them.

Why you should not give water to your child till 6 months
According to doctors, the digestive and immune system of children develops rapidly till the age of 6 months. In such a situation, only mother’s milk is good. This helps children a lot in gaining weight. When children are given water or juice, their weight may decrease. This can affect their growth.

After how many months of birth can we feed our babies
Doctors say that semi-solid diet should be started slowly after 6 months of birth. They should be introduced to other foods gradually. By following this process, children’s growth can be maintained properly.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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