child care tips children with high IQ are at greater risk of adhd

ADHD in Children : It is good for children to have high IQ (Intelligence Quotient), but if it is excessive then it can be dangerous for their health. Such children are at higher risk of ADHD (Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder). This neurodevelopmental disorder can be more common in children who create noise all day long, run around and have sharp intelligence.

This disorder occurs during the mental development of the child i.e. at the age of 3 to 12 years. According to a study published in the Journal of Global Health, around 13 crore children and adolescents aged 5-14 years all over the world are suffering from this disease. In India, 5-8% school children are its victims. In such a situation, parents should be careful about their care.

What problems arise in ADHD?

ADHD usually occurs during children’s development, which can be more dangerous. They have to suffer the consequences of this throughout their life. In this, children are not able to concentrate. They have difficulty sitting still and suffer from itching throughout the day. ADHD keeps forcing children to bully. This becomes his mentality. The IQ of such children can also be quite high.

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The connection of high IQ and ADHD

Researchers have found that the problem of ADHD is more common in children with high IQ. There can be many reasons for this. In fact, children who have high IQ and also have high energy, they are not able to sit peacefully at one place. Such children are interested in many things and have trouble concentrating on just one thing. They have more potential than other children. Such children have difficulty in forming social relationships.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?


losing things

not being able to remember things

not being able to do risky work

to be talkative


hurt a lot

Reasons for having ADHD

The front part of the brain is the pre-frontal lobe, which determines the ability to plan, pay attention, make decisions and take responsibility. The development of this part of children suffering from ADHD either remains incomplete or is delayed. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, the reason behind ADHD is the neurons not functioning properly. Whose job is to convey feelings, sensations or messages to the brain. In ADHD, there is a significant lack of receptors in neurons. Children whose gray matter side of the brain is smaller are more at risk. This problem can also be genetic.

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How to protect children from ADHD

Sometimes, if the condition of ADHD becomes serious, counseling or medical treatment may be required, but if parents pay attention to it in the beginning, then treatment can be done at the right time. According to new research from Cambridge, what the brain of these children will be like when they grow up can be known in childhood itself. In such a situation, parents should play an important role.

Their healthy relationship can improve the mental health of children. Along with this, children can be protected from such disorders by sleeping in the right direction, doing age-appropriate physical activities, proper diet and reducing screen time.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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