child care tips heart attack increasing in children know reasons and prevention

Heart Attack in Kids: Nowadays, children are at risk of heart attack at an early age. Heart disease is increasing among them. Experts consider the main reason for this to be spoiled lifestyle and eating habits. Apart from this, some kind of stress is also putting children’s heart at risk. If this is not taken care of in time, the risk also increases with increasing age. In such a situation, let us know why children are having heart attacks at a young age…

Is your child’s heart also becoming weak?

According to cardiologists, nowadays children are not doing any physical work, they are being brought up in fast food culture. Apart from this, the stress of studies is also going on. In such a situation, parents need to be careful, because a little carelessness can cause serious harm to the child’s health. He says that nowadays children are walking and playing less, which is becoming the reason for heart attack. Children are liking fatty things more, many mothers at home are also preparing breakfast in two minutes instead of making roti, due to which the risk of heart attack is increasing.

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What to do to protect children from heart attack

1. Be careful if you have a family history

Doctors say that if someone in the house is suffering from heart attack then there is a need to be more alert. Avoid carelessness so that wrong eating habits do not create the risk of heart blockage in children. At a young age, initially carelessness is taken about it but later it becomes a big problem.

2. Children are at risk of heart attack due to obesity

Doctors say that obesity is one of the biggest causes of heart disease in children. Obesity in children can cause respiratory problems, diabetes and other diseases. If parents do not become serious at the right time, his problems may increase.

3. Take care if your child is suffering from heart disease

Cardiologists say that if the child is suffering from any serious heart disease then keep following him up. Visit the doctor from time to time and take his medicines and advice. Do not be careless about the health of children.

4. Study stress

Experts say that many parents ignore small things, which is not good for children. There is a lot of stress regarding studies in our society. Children go out of the house and eat wrong things, sometimes they even become victims of drug addiction at a young age, they also take stress regarding studies, which hollows their heart and increases serious risks.

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How to improve children’s heart

1. Do not let children take stress.

2. Pay attention to children’s diet. Avoid fast food.

3. Do regular exercise.

4. If you have diabetes at a young age, keep monitoring. Check children’s BP.

5. If the child is fat, take the help of workout to burn fat.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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