child care tips side effects of watching mobile phone while eating on children

Baby Watching Mobile While Eating: Nowadays, phone addiction is increasing among children. While getting up, sitting, sleeping, waking up, eating and drinking, children keep their eyes glued to their phones all the time. Without using his mobile, he cannot bear his phone. Parents also allow their children to use the phone so that they can easily eat food without insisting. However, it has a negative impact on their health.

This affects both their physical and mental health. There is also a risk of many diseases (Smartphone Side Effects). Let us know what diseases can be caused to children by looking at the phone while eating…

1. Obesity or malnutrition

2. Digestion problems

According to health experts, looking at the phone while eating can badly affect the digestive system of children. Eating more or less can cause problems like indigestion, gas or stomach pain. Therefore, it is advisable to develop healthy eating habits in children.

3. Mental problems

If a child uses a phone while eating, his mental health may be affected. Due to this, the children’s body does not get proper nutrition and their hormone level may deteriorate. Due to which stress and depression may increase. Due to this, they are not able to grow properly.

4.Eyes may be affected

5. Social distancing

By using mobile phones while eating, children become completely cut off from the family or the surrounding society. Due to this, their relationships are not able to develop properly and they may feel lonely.

what to do, what not to do

Parents should try not to let their children use phones while eating. If it is already a habit then reduce it gradually.

Tell children about the side effects of using phones.

If the children are very small then feed them yourself.

Children can also get counseling done to get rid of this habit.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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