child dental health why brushing teeth is crucial after first tooth eruption in children

Child Dental Health : It is important to start brushing as soon as the child’s first milk tooth emerges. Many people may be surprised to read that a child’s teeth may also need brushing and flossing, because most of us know how to take care of our teeth, but are careless about children.

The slightest mistake can damage the child’s teeth and gums. Actually, we have a tradition of celebrating the emergence of baby’s milk teeth, but apparently in most of the families, cleaning of these teeth is not discussed, which is wrong. In such a situation, know how to clean your child’s teeth as soon as their first tooth emerges…

How to clean baby’s teeth

How to clean baby’s teeth

To clean the teeth of small children, wrap a clean bandage on the wound on your finger and gently massage the child’s teeth up and down with water. Doctors say that one should try to clean the lower teeth of children slowly from outside upwards. Similarly, the inner part of the teeth should be cleaned. Children’s cleaning should be done by brushing gently for at least 3-5 minutes.

What problems can occur in children due to not brushing?

1. Tooth decay

2. Gum problems

3. Yellowing of teeth

4. Bad breath

How to choose a brush for children

1. Choose a brush with soft bristles.

2. Choose a brush according to the age and size of teeth of the child.

3. Use toothpaste containing fluoride.

4. Encourage the child to brush.

How to make children habit of brushing

1. Encourage the child to brush.

2. Make the brushing process fun.

3. Brush with baby.

4. Get regular dental checkups.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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