child health care tips type 2 diabetes in children know the risk

Type 2 Diabetes in Children : Due to unhealthy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, diabetes is increasing rapidly these days. This is an incurable disease, in which one can protect oneself only by abstaining from it. Earlier, symptoms of diabetes used to appear with increasing age, but nowadays Type 2 Diabetes is increasing rapidly even in young children.

In diabetes, blood sugar increases and many organs including heart, kidneys, eyes start getting affected. Since there is no cure for it, it is more dangerous. In such a situation, by taking proper care of children’s health, we can save them from this disease.

What to do to protect children from diabetes

1. Do not compromise on breakfast
According to experts, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, do not make your children skip breakfast even by mistake. Many health reports have shown that skipping breakfast can lead to obesity. Due to which there is a risk of type 2 diabetes, so inculcate a habit of breakfast in children. Include nutritious food in it. This will keep their sugar level under control throughout the day.

2. Do not give energy or sugary drinks
Avoid giving energy or sugary drinks to children even by mistake. This can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Children like these drinks very much. Their consumption can increase the risk of diabetes. They contain high amounts of sugar, which can spike blood sugar. Instead, you can give them fresh fruit juice or coconut water to drink.

3. Physical activity
According to experts, parents need to pay attention to the physical activities of children. Today, children keep their eyes glued to the TV, mobile phone or laptop at home. Parents also advise children to stay at home. Due to this, their physical activities are not done properly and they start falling prey to diabetes or many serious diseases. Encourage children for physical activities. Send them out to play. This can save them from the risk of diabetes.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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