Child Vaccination: People in India are not even getting free vaccination for children, WHO’s new report will surprise you

Children vaccination in India : A shocking report has come out regarding the vaccination of children in the country. In which it has been told that last year in 2023, 16 lakh children have not been vaccinated. In the report of UNICEF and WHO, it has been told that India is the second country after Nigeria, where such a large number of children have not been vaccinated. It has been told in this report that in India, there has been improvement in the situation of getting children vaccinated in 2023 as compared to the year 2021, but it is still not satisfactory.

Countries with zero-dose vaccine
This report said that in India, 27.3 lakh children were not vaccinated in the year 2021, which has come down to 16 lakh in 2023. After India, countries like Ethiopia, Congo, Sudan and Indonesia are among the countries with zero-dose vaccine in 2023. Among the top 20 countries, China is at number 18 and Pakistan is at number 10.

Millions of children did not get the first vaccine
A report by the WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that in the year 2023, the number of children in India who did not get the first dose (MCV 1) of the measles-control vaccine was about 16 lakh. Earlier in 2022, 11 lakh children did not get the measles vaccine. Due to which India is among the 10 countries where most children have not received the first vaccine.

What is the concern
WHO on Tuesday appealed to the countries of South-East Asia to strengthen all efforts. So that children can be vaccinated. According to experts, there is a need to take immediate action on the increasing number of children deprived of vaccination and under-vaccinated children. There is a need to find out where the mistake is happening. Let us tell you that in India, 12 different vaccines are given to children for free through ‘India’s Universal Immunization Program’. These include vaccines like BCG, OPV, Hepatitis B, Pentavalent, Rotavirus Vaccine, DPT and TT.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. You must consult the concerned expert before implementing any suggestion.

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