childhood cancer myths facts pediatric causes symptoms in hindi

Cancer Myths and Facts : Cancer is a very dangerous disease. Along with adults, children also become its victims. The chances of recovery from pediatric cancer is about 80%, but even today there is a lack of awareness about it. Although childhood cancer is quite uncommon and in most cases its real cause is not known, so there is a need to be more careful. In such a situation, let us know some myths and their facts related to childhood cancer…

Myth 1: Children also get cancer like adults
Fact : Cancer in children is quite different from that in adults. The most common cancers in adults are breast cancer, cervical cancer, oral cancer or lung cancer. Leukemia, brain and spinal cord tumors, neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, lymphoma and retinoblastoma are common in children. Cancers that occur in childhood are more likely to be curable.

Myth 2: Blood cancer in children cannot be treated
Fact : Blood cancer in children is very different from blood cancer in adults. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common blood cancer in children and with modern treatments, the cure rate for ALL can be over 80%.

Myth 3: Childhood cancer is genetic
Fact : Cancer is caused by changes in DNA but more than 90% of childhood cancers are not genetic and so are not transmitted.

Myth 4: Cancer can be easily detected in childhood
Fact : The symptoms of childhood cancer are similar to those of normal diseases, so it is very difficult to detect them. The most common symptoms include fever for a long time without any reason. Apart from this, paleness and weakness without any reason, easy bruising or bleeding, unusual lump or swelling or pain in any part of the body, headache often accompanied by vomiting and sudden changes in the eyes.

Myth 5: Childhood cancer is quite common
Fact : Cancer is very rare in children. It accounts for only 3 percent of all cancers.

Myth 6: Childhood cancer is contagious
Fact : Cancer in children is not contagious. It cannot spread from one child to another. Children who have cancer in childhood are made to wear masks so that they can avoid other infections because their immunity is weak.

Myth 7: Children suffering from cancer cannot live a normal life
Fact : Children suffering from cancer can live a normal life like their friends after treatment. However, some precautions should be taken to keep them healthy and protect them from cancer.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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