Children Of War: Mother walked 5 km in labor pain, reached hospital after falling, gave birth to 4 children

The war between Israel and Hamas may not yield any results, but this situation is very painful for the citizens there. In war, not just one generation of a country but generations suffer. This becomes even more difficult especially for those innocent people who do not know anything about it. One such disturbing story has come from the midst of the Israel-Hamas war.

In a situation where women need the most rest, the woman walked 5 kilometers and after giving birth to the children through cesarean operation, she immediately got ready for the next struggle. In North Palestine, a woman was pregnant and the circumstances became such that she had to walk to the hospital on her own due to labor pain.

Birth of 4 children amidst ammunition
The woman walked several miles in the war-torn area to reach the hospital and gave birth to four children. The woman’s name is Al Masri and it was only after Israel’s attack on Hamas that she set out on foot in search of safety. According to 28-year-old Iman Al Masri, she walked 5 kilometers to reach the refugee camp. As her condition started deteriorating due to pregnancy, she went to the hospital. Here she gave birth to two daughters and two sons through operation.

Left the hospital immediately after delivery
Usually, after C-section delivery, women are kept under the observation of doctors for 3-4 days, but Masri was asked to leave the hospital immediately. Since the condition of one of her children was critical, she left the place with her three children and is now living in a refugee camp. Her husband says that he is not able to give anything to his children and wife. They even keep wandering in search of food.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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