Children’s Eyes Are Weak So Feed Them These Things From Now Itself You Get Tremendous Results

Food To Improve Eyesight: Eye is an important part of our body. If this is not there then the world is dark. At the same time, in today’s technology era, the screen time of children has increased a lot. If you want to study then mobile, if you want to talk to people then mobile, the Corona period has increased its use even more. Due to this, small children are falling prey to weak eyesight, their eyesight is being negatively affected. In such a situation, some home remedies can overcome this problem. know about it..

Carrot-Eyesight can be increased by the consumption of carrots. Vitamin A as well as anti-oxidant fiber potassium are present inside carrots which make the eyes healthy. It contains beta-carotene which is very beneficial for the eyes, along with this, people who see less at night should definitely include it in their diet, it is helpful in improving retinal health.

Almond-If the eyesight of children is weak, then you can include almonds in their diet, its effect is warm, vitamin E is present inside it, which makes the eyes strong. You can take out the peels of 4 to 5 soaked almonds and give them to your children every day. feed the

spinach-Spinach is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Magnesium, Iron. These are very beneficial for the health of the eyes. If your children have weak eyesight, you can include a glass of spinach juice daily in their diet. Antioxidant properties are found in it, which can not only prevent damage to the retina, but are also very helpful in strengthening the eyes.

Gooseberry-Vitamin C is present in Amla, which can not only increase eyesight, but can also strengthen immunity, so let your child consume Amla juice.

BroccoliAntioxidant properties are found inside broccoli. It is also rich in vitamins, in such a situation, the weakness of the eyes of children can be overcome by its use.

citrus fruitsEyesight can also be increased by consuming citrus fruits. Vitamin C and antioxidants are present in these fruits, while it is also considered a good source of vitamin A. By consuming it, the retina can not only be improved but also the function of the eyes. Illumination can also be amplified.

Cardamom-Cardamom is also very useful in increasing eyesight. Grind fennel and cardamom in cold milk and mix it and heat the milk and feed it to the children. By doing this the weakness of the eyes can be removed.

Walnut-The amount of vitamin A is present in walnuts, which can not only make the eyes healthy, but is also useful in fighting many eye problems. Include walnuts in your children’s diet. Eyesight can be increased by its use.

read this also- Benefits of Ragi flour: If you are troubled by joint pain in the winter season, then start eating ragi flour from today itself.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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