Chimpanzee snatched an 8 month old girl from her lap, took her some distance away and did such a thing, the mother screamed after seeing this!

Monkeys or all their related species are very close to humans. Because of this, their reaction is much more similar to that of humans. They express love, get angry and get emotional just like humans. But no one would have even thought that they would kill any other creature like humans. There is a country named Guinea in the African continent. Recently, a chimpanzee (Chimpanzee brutally butcher human baby) has committed such an incident, knowing about which everyone’s soul is trembling. A chimpanzee snatched a woman’s 8-month-old daughter from her lap, then took her away with him and brutally murdered her. Seeing the dead body of the girl, the mother screamed because the animal had badly torn her body.

According to the Daily Star News website, this shocking incident took place in Bossou, Guinea. A mother named Seny Zogba was working in the cassava fruit fields. She also had an 8-month-old daughter whom she named Yoh Helen. Then the chimpanzee came there from behind. The chimpanzee bit the mother and then snatched away the child. He took the child to the forest and then killed the girl about 3 kilometers away from Nimba Mountains Nature Reserve.

The chimpanzee snatched the girl from her mother’s lap. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

The child was killed!
When the girl’s body was found, it was difficult to even see it. This chimpanzee is considered quite unique because it uses tools made by humans. It is believed that this chimpanzee named JJ cut the girl’s body with tools and cut it into pieces. After this, people entered a zoo and vandalized it. They also vandalized the Environmental Research Institute and set fire to many important documents.

Chimpanzees are no longer afraid of humans
Monkey expert Jane Yamakoshi told in an interview that earlier chimpanzees were afraid of humans. But now it is not so. The main reason for this is that they come to human settlements in search of food and their fear of humans has ended. Earlier they used to live in harmony with humans, but now due to increasing competition for food, they have become aggressive.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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