China America Space War Us Think Tank report claims that China Xi Jinping prepared for war in space

China America Space War : While America and Russia are busy in their own work, China is increasing its capabilities in space. Till now America had dominance in space, but now it is under threat. Some claims have been made about this in the report of American think tank RAND. According to the report, China is preparing its military preparations in space keeping America in mind.

The report also analyzed the space-based capabilities acquired by China’s People’s Liberation Army in the last two decades. RAND said that the US should take quick decisions with very little communication. One should not expect cooperation from the PLA in space crises. The US Space Force should be prepared for aggressive actions by the PLA even in peacetime.

Participated in several maneuvers and docking missions
According to the Asia Times report, China’s mini spaceplane was launched in August 2022, which landed on a runway in the Gobi desert after spending 276 days in orbit. It landed near the Lop Nur nuclear test site, which was used for the recovery of the space plane. Chinese media described it as its major achievement. A private space company reported that China’s spaceplane participated in several maneuvers and docking missions with a different small object during the space mission. The Financial Times also reported that China had launched a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile, which orbited the world before heading towards its target.

China is making aggressive preparations!
The report said that Chinese President Xi Jinping now sees the US as a weakening power. Due to this, China is now making aggressive preparations for future space competition, which can be used to subdue opponents or for space war.

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