China business increased after deadly attack on Trump China is selling T-shirts with pictures of Donald Trump

Trump T-shirts: China has always been known for its marketing techniques. People of this country think only of earning money in both their good and bad times. A similar case has come to light from China, in which it turned a disaster into an opportunity. Trump was shot in Pennsylvania, USA and China’s business increased due to this. Online retailers of China have started selling T-shirts with the picture of Trump after the shooting. On this T-shirt, Trump is seen encouraging his supporters with a clenched fist and there is blood on his face.

Li Jinwei, a seller on the Chinese online shopping platform Taobao, said, “We put a photo of a T-shirt for sale on Taobao as soon as we saw the news of Trump being shot. However, the T-shirt whose photo was put on the site was not printed. Within three hours of putting the T-shirt photo on the site, we received more than 2 thousand orders from both China and America.” Actually, due to digital printing technology, any product can be prepared quickly. This has also affected production and sales. With the help of this technology, T-shirts can be printed quickly and put up for sale.

China benefits from US elections
It is seen that China is continuously taking advantage of the ongoing elections in America. A company named Xinflying Digital Printing Production based in Guangdong, China said that their digital printing machines can print 8 election-related T-shirts in an hour. Data from DHgate has shown that the volume of business with election-related symbols has increased by 40 percent every month since January. The highest increase of 110 percent was in the month of March.

What technology did China adopt
Actually, China is taking full advantage of the shooting of Trump. Chinese businessmen have downloaded the most viral picture of Trump after the shooting and started printing T-shirts. Along with this, they have written ‘Shooting makes me stronger’ on the T-shirts. People are liking such T-shirts a lot. Li’s factory in Hebei province of China makes 60 T-shirts in an hour.

Read this also: Donald Trump Attack: US President Biden spoke for the first time on the attack on Donald Trump, know what he said

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