China Corona Case Heavy Pressure On China Hospitals And Mortuaries India Merica Imposed Covid Strict Restrictions

China Corona News: The new wave of Corona has badly affected China. Due to the continuous infection and death of millions of people, there is a lot of pressure on China’s hospitals and mortuaries. The situation in China is that its resources are running out. Seeing the devastation in China, other countries have become alert. Many countries have imposed strict restrictions on the arrival of Chinese travelers.

Crores of cases are coming to the fore
Actually, China has removed the corona lockdown, due to which crores of cases are coming up there in a day. But China misled the world in the past and said that there was not a single death due to Corona on Wednesday. Responding to this claim of China, the WHO had said that the figures of China show that no one died of Kovid on Wednesday, but there is doubt about it.

India, Italy, Japan make Covid test mandatory
At the same time, according to some international health experts, after the removal of Kovid restrictions, the corona is spreading uncontrollably there and infecting millions of people. After India, Italy, Japan and Taiwan, on Wednesday, America also made the Kovid test mandatory for travelers from China in its country. America is the fifth country to implement this rule.

China released data last week, according to which the vaccination rate here is above 90 percent, but the rate of adults taking booster doses is 57.9 percent and 42.3 percent for those 80 and older. Dragon has approved the introduction of 9 Kovid vaccines developed by itself, but did not update any dose fighting the Omicron variant.

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