China Covid Cases Reports 31656 Hits Record High Covid Report Necessary In Public Place

China Coronavirus Update: Once again the cases of Coronavirus have started increasing rapidly in China. On Wednesday, a record jump was recorded in the number of Kovid cases in China. According to health officials, 31656 new corona positive cases were registered in China last day. This is the biggest jump in the cases of Kovid-19 in China in a day. These figures are higher than the 29,390 infections recorded in mid-April. A day ago, more than 28000 new cases of Karona were registered in China.

A continuous increase in corona cases is being recorded in China. On Sunday, after six months, an elderly person died from Corona. There has also been a significant increase in the number of Karona infected. In view of this, the Chinese government has put a lockdown in many cities. The Health Department team is emphasizing on maximum corona testing and quarantine.

Kovid report is mandatory in public places from today

In view of the increasing cases of corona in China, strict rules of Covid have been implemented. From today, it has been made mandatory to show negative PCR Covid test report 48 hours before entry in public places in the capital. That is, people will now have to show the Kovid report to go to shopping malls, hotels, government offices. Along with this, people have been advised to leave the house only when necessary.

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schools closed in beijing

In view of the continuous increase in the number of corona virus patients in China, schools have been closed as a precautionary measure. The widespread effect of Corona is being seen in Beijing. In view of the threat of Kovid-19, the Chinese government has closed schools in several districts in Beijing. The government has instructed schools to conduct online studies. Actually, there has been a spurt in corona cases in Beijing for the last few days.

Situation like lockdown again in China

Corona virus is once again spreading rapidly in China. In view of this, the Chinese government has started taking several steps to prevent the spread of corona infection. In view of the increasing risk of corona infection in many other areas including Beijing, the government has decided to close shopping malls and restaurants there. Apart from this, some parks and gyms have also been closed.

The officials of Chaoyang district of China have ordered the companies there to facilitate work from home for their employees. Officials have advised people to stay at home if not needed and not to travel from one district to another. Apart from this, once again the emphasis is being laid on corona testing in many cities.

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