China Experiment On Cow, Scientists Says Our Super Cow Will Be Able To Give 140 Liters Of Milk In A Day Produce 1 Thousand Such Cows | China is now experimenting on cow, scientist said

China Super Cow: China keeps on doing strange experiments on animals. Now Chinese scientists have claimed that they have prepared 3 ‘super cows’ through cloning. They say that this ‘super cow’ can give 140 liters of milk in a day.

Scientists of China also claimed that the breed of cow (Super Cow) being prepared by them will be able to give 100 tonnes i.e. 2 lakh 83 thousand liters of milk in its entire life. According to media reports, Chinese scientists got their ‘Super Cow’ breeding done at Northwest University. It is being told that he was born in Ningxia area in the last two months. And, now the focus of the scientists there is on producing 1000 such cows in the next 2 years.

In a report about the Chinese ‘Super Cow’, it was told that these are clones of the Holstein Friesian cow coming from the Netherlands. China has already produced cows through cloning in the year 2017. Recently, the scientists of Northwest University have done the breeding of new types of cows.

China also bred arctic wolf

This is not only the case with the cow, when China has cloned an animal, but clones of other animals are also being prepared there. Last year, Chinese scientists produced the world’s first cloned arctic wolf.

Chinese belch dangerous animals

China is that country, where dangerous to dangerous animals are eaten with gusto. Yes, be it a snake, be it a bat, be it a pangolin or any other animal… their recipe is made there. Pig is also their favorite food. When the coronavirus spread, it was said in China that it must have come because of some seafood. While the fear was expressed in the world that China made Coronavirus in a lab.

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