China Lab Leaked COVID-19, Says US Department American Intelligence Agencies Shocking Report | Origins Of Covid-19: Did China only make Coronavirus? American intelligence agencies made a big claim, said

Covid-19 Origin China: Coronavirus took millions of lives across the world. At the end of 2019, this epidemic started spreading from China, which engulfed crores of people in a few months. Most cases of infection were reported in America, China and India. When many western countries including America (USA) pointed fingers at China for this deadly virus, China became enraged. However, many US intelligence agencies claim that the coronavirus (Covid-19) was prepared in the lab and possibly leaked from the Chinese lab itself.

On Monday, the US Energy Department presented the final report related to the coronavirus. Quoting the intelligence report, it was told that the virus may have originated from the Chinese laboratory. Earlier, the Energy Department had said that the origin of the virus is not known, but now it believes that the virus is most likely to have leaked from the Wuhan lab.

Coronavirus spread from Wuhan’s lab

Energy Department officials say they got intelligence from US biology labs spread across the world. Now the final report has been presented on the basis of this input. However, some officials believe that the claim about this report is very weak. Its conclusion has not been drawn on any solid foundation. That’s why there is no unanimity of the White House on the claim of intelligence reports.

A report by The Wall Street Journal, quoting Director of the Office of National Intelligence Avril Haines, mentioned – The US Department of Energy had conducted an investigation into the origin of the coronavirus, where many experts believed that the virus originated from the lab. It is possible.

There was an accident in the Chinese laboratory!

People who saw the US department’s classified report were quoted in ‘The New York Times’ as saying that the department initially gave its decision with ‘low confidence’. However, then it was emphasized that how various agencies investigated the origin of Kovid-19 and the worldwide epidemic. Now the conclusion of that report has reportedly emerged from new intelligence. The US department has now joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in believing that the pandemic, which has killed nearly seven million people, was the result of an accident in a Chinese laboratory.

Difference in reports of intelligence agencies

Four US intelligence agencies believe that the coronavirus came through natural transmission, while other agencies disagree, with many believing that the virus may have been created by humans in a lab. White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has emphasized different views on the matter. He said, “At the moment, no firm answer has been received from the Intelligence Community on this question.”

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