China long horn beetle has become a disaster for the world even scientists are surprised

India’s neighboring country China is often infamous in the world because of its exploits. Sometimes because of some virus and sometimes because of our wrong border policies. But this time China is getting infamous across the world because of one of its own insects. Actually, this unique insect of China is wreaking havoc all over the world. It has so much power inside it that it can destroy an entire forest.

Which insect is this?

The insect we are talking about. It is called long horn beetle. Till a time it was found only in some parts of China, Taiwan and Korea. However, today it has reached many countries of the world. This insect is most harmful for trees. But if it reaches inside your house, it can destroy every wooden thing present there.

Is it difficult to drive away?

The most special thing about this insect is that if it gets stuck in a tree or plant, it is almost impossible to remove it from there. The only way to remove it is to cut off the branch it has taken hold of. This insect is causing trouble in America, South Africa, Middle East, Australia, Switzerland and many states of India.

Even scientists are surprised

Even scientists are surprised by this insect. According to researchers at the University of Hamburg, Germany, if this insect enters your house, it can eat your sofa, dining table, chairs and even windows and doors. In Switzerland, an entire part of the forest had to be cut down because of this insect. This insect causes the most damage especially to bamboo wood. Actually, the long horn beetle makes a round hole and lays its eggs there. After this they give birth to children and then spread rapidly.

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