Citizens were surprised to see strange marks on the roadside, when they found out the meaning, people were shocked!

There are markings made at various places on the roadside, which have a special meaning. Actually, these marks are installed for the safety of drivers and to explain the rules related to road transport. Markings like where to turn, what will be the speed limit, whether there is a turn ahead or not, whether there is a school or a hospital ahead, etc. will be seen on the side of the road. But in a city in Scotland (Scotland weird road signs), suddenly such signs started appearing on the road, which were very strange and had never been seen before. When the citizens came to know about these marks, they trembled. Now there is a demand to remove it soon.

According to the Daily Star News website, there are areas named Leith and Newhaven in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland. One morning when the people here came out of their homes, they saw strange signs on the side of the roads (Street Gang Road Sign). These marks were similar to the marks indicating traffic rules, and were also placed on similar boards. Even after looking very carefully, people could not understand what it was.

what is the meaning of the mark
There were two curved lines at the top of the mark, a curved line at the bottom, and a straight line at the bottom. The Municipal Corporation has made it clear that these marks are not legal, they have not been installed by the administration. Actually, this mark has been made by combining the English letters YLT. The topmost part is Y, the middle part is L and the bottommost part is T. It is believed that this mark belongs to a gang of goons named Young Leith Team. Citizens have demanded its removal. When he came to know about the mark, he too was surprised.

citizens are getting worried
Speaking to the Edinburgh Live website, a citizen named Julia said – I live nearby, when I saw this mark, I was very curious to know what its meaning was. However, I am worried that the gang has put up their mark like a road sign. Due to this, drivers will face a lot of inconvenience while driving and may also get confused on the way. Along with him, some other citizens also said that the administration should remove this mark as soon as possible.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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