Claim: If a snakebite victim reaches here alive, he will return only after getting cured! Cases come to this temple day and night

Chhattarpur: The danger of snake bites and appearance increases during monsoon. Every year, many people die due to snake bites during the rainy season. But, there is a place in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, where no one dies due to snake bite. Don’t be surprised, this claim is made by the priest of a religious place. He says that it is Baba’s grace that the life of the snakebite victim is saved after coming here.

In Chhatarpur’s Maharajpur village, snakebite has been treated at this religious place since the times of the kings. There is a popular belief in the area that whenever someone is bitten by a snake, instead of going to the hospital, he comes directly to Bidehi Baba’s place. Here, the snakebite victims are also treated. A huge cobra also lives at this place, which is taken care of by the priests.

temple built over the tomb
Priest of Bidehi Baba Mandir Rajkumar Tiwari told Local 18 that Bidehi means one who has no body. He said that this place is from the times of kings. A king came here and started living in this forest after finding solitude. After some time he took Samadhi (tomb alive). This temple is built on his Samadhi. He claimed that whoever comes here for snakebite, goes back cured. Even today people get blessings of Baba.

This is how the miracle began
It is believed that when Bidehi Baba lived here, an old woman’s son was bitten by a snake. She came to Baba and started crying, then Baba said ‘Don’t worry, nothing will happen to your son.’ From then till today, if anyone is bitten by a snake, he is saved by taking Bidehi Baba’s name and tying a knot in his hair. Not only snakes, patients of any poisonous creature get cured after coming here. The problem of ghost and evil spirit obstacles also gets solved.

This is how snake bite is treated
According to the priest, if someone is bitten by a snake, first of all say Bidehi Baba ki Jai and tie a knot in the hair. After this, drink ghee and black pepper, but do not drink water. Immediately after this, come to Bidehi Baba temple and do parikrama by saying Baba ki Jai. No matter how poisonous the snake has bitten, Baba will save the victim.

Everyone’s life was saved after coming here!
Priest Rajkumar claims that if a snakebite victim comes here alive, he will return alive. Every day 20-25 snakebite patients come here and go back after getting cured. Sometimes they come even at night. Then we also run away from home and come to the temple and get treatment by doing Parikrama.

Disclaimer: All the information and facts given in this news are based on the conversation with the temple priest. Local 18 does not confirm any facts.

Tags: Amazing news, Chhatarpur News, Local18

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