Climate Change Will Cause Of Drought Due To Rising Heat How Much Is The Danger In India Know What The Report Says

Draft in India: The increasing heat is going to create problems for the whole world. This change is going to directly affect the environment, agriculture, our lives and even the whole earth. This change will be very dangerous, because in a recent study it has been told that the problem of drought is becoming serious due to the warming of the world. Many countries are also facing the brunt of drought, while in some countries such situations are going to happen. In such a situation, let us know what is the condition of India.

who did this research

Drought and heat have become an important topic for scientific research for the past decade, said Jing Yuan, hydrologist, research head and author of the study at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology in China. Scientists are constantly warning about the danger of global warming, but it has not been taken seriously yet.

El Nino will be 70 to 80 percent

The Indian Meteorological Department has expressed the possibility that 70 percent El Nino will be effective in the country in the coming time. This can worsen the condition of agriculture and economy. The market can also become unbalanced and inflation can increase. It has been told that this will also affect employment. In fact, countries for which heat and drought were described as dangerous in the study include Africa and South East Asia, as well as India. According to research, it is a kind of sudden drought or famine. It does crops in a few weeks.

Indian Meteorological Department’s warning

According to the Meteorological Department, the possibility of this situation has increased since 11. Although at present its possibility was expressed at 50 per cent, but now the threat to the farmers and agriculture-based economy has increased. There is a 70 percent chance of El Nino in the seasons of June, July and August. And in the season of July, August and September, it can go up to 80 percent.

cause of drought

Experts have told the biggest reason for this is climate change or rather, climate change caused by humans. It is very important to have rain in the areas where livelihood is based on agriculture. If there is no rain, agriculture will be badly affected. According to the study, countries like India, South East Asia and Africa have suddenly come to the situation of drought.

How does drought happen?

According to Andrew Hoel, a climate scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in drought conditions the first rain wets the field, but when the rain stops, the hot summer, sun and warm wind evaporate the water very quickly. After this, there is no rain for a long time, which becomes dangerous for agriculture and the environment.

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