Coffee can harm men’s health, know how much should be drunk

Coffee Side Effects: Coffee is becoming the first choice of youth nowadays. To boost himself mentally, he is drinking several cups of coffee a day. Regarding coffee, health experts say that if it is taken in right quantity then it can be beneficial but if the quantity is excessive then it can also be harmful. They believe that drinking more than 2 cups of coffee daily can cause many serious diseases. It is more dangerous for men. Know what are the dangers of drinking too much coffee…

5 side effects of drinking too much coffee

1. Kidney damage

Some research has shown that drinking too much coffee can lead to frequent urination. Actually, caffeine is a diuretic, which removes excess elements from the body. In such a situation, when the amount of coffee is high then kidney problems can increase.

2. Cholesterol increases

Drinking too much coffee can increase cholesterol level. Bad cholesterol i.e. low density lipoprotein increases the risk of serious heart diseases. These include dangerous diseases like heart attack and stroke.

3. Lack of sleep

According to medical reports, drinking too much coffee can cause sleep problems. Actually, too much caffeine is found in coffee, which can cause lack of sleep. It stimulates the brain and drives away sleep.

4. High blood pressure

Due to caffeine in coffee, blood pressure can increase when consumed. This can cause heart problems. Therefore it should not be consumed in excess. Drinking coffee can increase heart problems.

5. Digestion problems

Drinking too much coffee is not good for stomach health. This can cause acidity, acid formation and many stomach problems. Drinking coffee keeps metabolism healthy, but drinking excessive amounts of coffee can also cause problems like diarrhea.

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