‘Come, cry openly’, the person gave a special offer, you will get tissue room, everything, shed tears for half an hour!

Every person has his own emotions. Sometimes he is very happy and laughs loudly, while sometimes something happens that a person starts crying without any reason. Although no one wants to cry in front of everyone, but the problem is that then where and in front of whom should they cry? To answer this question, a person has created a parlor where one can come and shed tears.

It may sound strange to you but here people are being called to cry. Scientists also say that there is no harm in crying once a week. In such a situation, to lighten the hearts of people, a sob parlor has been opened in New York City, America. Here a person can vent his anger by going to the private cry room.

Come, lighten your heart by crying
According to the report of New York Post, a person named Anthony Villiotti had launched Sob Parlor in the year 2023. To come here, the first thing that is necessary is that the person is not taking any psychological treatment. However, the parlour’s science therapists definitely talk to the people who come here on phone and help them deal with their mental problems. Vilotti says that people are struggling with stress nowadays, in such a situation they get solace by sitting somewhere and crying. Most of the people who come to the sob parlor are those who are victims of stress at home or office. Apart from this, if they are sad due to breakup or bad relationship, then they come here.

There is no dearth of people who come here and cry…
People come here according to their needs, some get relief within 10 minutes, while some people spend some time here. Inside the cry room there are comfortable chairs, tear-shaped mirrors and pillows. Many such things have been kept here that people will cry just by seeing them and will vent out their sorrow. There are 36 playlists here, where songs can also be listened to. People coming here say that they come with a heavy heart and they get a complete environment here to cry. After crying for 10-15 minutes, they feel better and go to their work.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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