Common people cannot go to these 4 places aliens snakes and dangerous tribes are the reasons

There are many places in the world where common people cannot go. To go here you have to take special permission. At the same time, if you go to these places even after deliberately refusing, you may have to lose your life. Let us tell you about these four places.

Know about Area-51

Area-51 is one of those places on earth where common people cannot go. Regarding this, it is said that America does research on aliens at this place. This place is in Nevada, America. However, America’s intelligence agency CIA had made it clear in 2013 that this place is America’s military testing site. And it is known as Air Force Facility Centre.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault is also in the list

Svalbard Global Seed Vault is also in this list. This place is very special, so no common man can go here. Actually, this place is located in the permafrost of the Norwegian Arctic. Let us tell you, the seeds of some plants are preserved at this place in view of the fears of destructive events occurring in the world in the future. This is the reason why common people are not allowed to come here.

sentinel island

Sentinel Island in India is also one such place. There is a ban on any person going here without permission. Some time ago a person went here without permission and was killed. Actually, people of Sentinel tribe live on this island who are completely cut off from the outside world.

Can’t even go to Snake Island

Snake Island is one of the most mysterious areas in the world. Actually, this is a small land situated on the coast of Brazil. It is also called ‘Ilha da Queimada Grande’. However, it is usually called Snake Island. Many dangerous snakes are present here. Some of the world’s most poisonous snakes are found on this island. It is because of snakes that common people are prohibited from visiting this island.

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